Sasa is walking with a cross on his back from Rijeka to Zagreb: He is carrying it for all the children and all the parents of our "dear leaders of this people"
On the Christian Easter holiday, which is marked by Catholics this weekend, Sasa Pavlic from Rijeka decided to walk from Rijeka to Zagreb, carrying the wooden cross he has made by himself, protesting that the government is buying airplanes for half a million dollars, instead of getting the rare medicines for 10 percent of that amount.
- I want this government to reach into the well where they found 500.000.000 dollars they used to buy fighter airplanes to buy the rare medicines for at least 10 percent of that amount - said Sasa Pavlic, who is frustrated with the fact that the state has money for airplanes, and that the fund for rare diseases has 2.600 euros.
da li ću uspjeti, teško, smrzao sam se ko pička, forma mi je nikakva, ali bar ću pokušati i tog dana kada dođem na vaganje duše kad me budu pitali "što si učinio kad su se kupovali avioni umjesto lijekova?" moći ću reći " barem sam pokušao"— Sale (@SasaPavlic) April 1, 2018
He has decided, as he said, to make a cross and to carry it to Zagreb to "dear leaders of this people".
- I am carrying it for all the children and parents who are listening that there is no money for their treatment and there are 403 million euros for airplanes - Sasa said.
ležim u krevetu i prebirem dojmove, volio bih naglasiti da sam ja tu samo nositelj poruke, nikakvo čudo od čovjeka i ovo hodanje je samo medij koji nosi poruku i volio bih da fokus bude na poruci, da se više nikada ne dogodi da neko dijete u Hrvatskoj nema lijeka za svoju bolest— Sale (@SasaPavlic) April 1, 2018
People are greeting him on the way, they offer him food and accommodation, some even give him money.
Sasa's wish and a message is "to have medications for every disease in Croatia for every child", the Croatian media report.
Portal reminds that the Government opened an account, after multiple protests of parents, where more money was gathered through donations from parents and companies for the expensive medications,.
još 163— Sale (@SasaPavlic) March 31, 2018
More significant donations were given by the Split-Dalmatia county and the city Omis, while the government hasn't donated a single penny.
Sasa twitted about his journey and his opinions along the way.
imali smo mi novce za avione, ali su potrošeni za farbanje tunela prijatelji, a sad treba šparati na lijekovima za djecu— Sale (@SasaPavlic) April 1, 2018
- If there is no money for children's lives, then we don't need the state - disperse - one of his twits.
ne znam dal ovo treba podijeliti, plačem, tu u Kupjaku ljudi me čekaju ispred kuće već 2 sata da mi daju 100 kn i nisu imućni i nisam ih mogao odbiti, ta lova ide u prvu dobrotvornu škrabicu na koju naiđem, ne znam, intenzivno je to— Sale (@SasaPavlic) April 1, 2018
Sasa is originally from Delnica, and he lives in Rijeka.
ako nema za dječiji život onda nam država ne treba, razlaz— Sale (@SasaPavlic) April 1, 2018
( / Tanjug)
Video: Vučić: Pristojna, vredna i poštena Srbija nikada neće dati sebe zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.