Croats angry with Montenegrins for stealing their reform: These cases have been stolen from us, among them is THE MONTENEGRIN LANGUAGE

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That opened a discussion in Montenegro weather the students in that country will learn partially according to plans and programs designed by teachers in Croatia or not next year

The news that the Montenegrin experts copied the program for physical education from the Croats went around the region, but they denied the information from the Institute for Education.

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They claim that they did not plagiarize the document, but, they say, they did not mention Croatian literature as a source of data only because of the "technical failure". That opened a discussion in Montenegro weather the students in that country will learn partially according to plans and programs designed by teachers in Croatia or not in the next year.

Former president of the Expert Group working on education reform with neighbors, Boris Jokic, said that the Montenegrin Education Institute copied a large part of the Croatian curriculum - from physical education, history, geography, and the Montenegrin language, marking that it's immoral, for Podgorica Vijesti.

Foto: Wikipedia/Nije bitno...

- Our methodology and curricula are public documents. As scientists and teachers, we are very pleased that children in Montenegro or any other country have the opportunity for quality education. Still, I think that it is immoral and dishonorable that our curricula are taken over without consulting us. Without consulting us, who have worked on it or the education authorities in Croatia - said Jokic.

About 500 experts from all areas worked on the new Croatian educational plans and programs, and they were published in February and although they have been publicly discussed, no agreement has yet been reached on the beginning of their implementation.

According to the Croatian "Jutarnji List", the coincidence is most evident in the example of the physical education program, and there is also more evidence in curricula of history, geography... 

The Institute for Education, led by Resad Sijeric, claims that they did not copy from their neighbors, they just used them as a source.

Foto-ilustracija: Profimedia/Alamy

Head of the Education and Research Development Department at the Education Institute, Radoje Novovic, denies accusations that they have copied the physical education program from Croats. They did not want to take something that "belongs to someone else", he is categorical.

Novovic told Pobjeda that the program of physical education has a lot of coincidence with the Croatian curriculum, which did not come to life, but the problem was in "technical failure" in this case.

The program was published on the site which and it was not final, and that is why the literature used was not listed, according to him.

- It is not technically completed and it needs to be edited. Due to the speed of implementation of new subject programs which were recently adopted and due to vacations, that detail was omitted.

As he explained, they will post the final version of the program on the site after it is published in the Official Journal. "When will that be, I don't know precisely", said Novovic.

( / Tanjug)

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