An hour of conversation with Zeljko Obradovic: As if we are some Indians, so Jokic has to train with tractor tires (PHOTO)

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How did the meeting go between Zoc and Telegraf, four years after our visit to Istanbul: He revealed many things about Fenerbahce and Erdogan, return before Red Star fans, his turn in Partizan, which never occurred

Foto: Saša Stajić

When we visited Mister Zeljko Obradovic four years ago in Istanbul, he spoke that the goal for Fenerbahce was Euro title, but he thought of it as overconfidence, if you have a personal driver, who never wanted a coach in his career.

This is how the National Stadium of Serbia will look like: It's also known when it will be completed (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

The title was won with Fenerbahce in 2017, without the driver as he said because he is not going anywhere around Istanbul.

He is one of the rare coaches in the history of the sport who managed to conquer Europe in the time span of 25 years.

The Partizan in 1992 when he was just 32 years old, and this one 2017 when he is 57 years old. In total, 9 times the King of Europe (with Juventud, Real, Panathinaikos).

- There is a phrase from a movie "Do You Remember Dolly Bell?", Everyday, in every way, I am making more progress - speaks Obradovic since he joined us after the training in the period of vacations in Belgrade.

Foto: Milena Đorđević

- A lot can be learned in my work, even today, when I am on a vacation, I am trying to see things from another perspective.

- You see better than you saw in the given moment. That is how I am acting and that is probably the result of those 25 years when my Partizan was the champion of Europe, and now Fenerbahce


He claims that he is incomparably better now than then, The coach who is phoned by Tayyip Erdoğan in the middle of a locker room, the most important man of Turkey and embodiment of its power in the economic-political sense.

That man is not calling just anybody on the phone.

- A man brought me the phone and said that I have the opportunity to talk with the president. I invited him to join us in our hall, he is a fan of Fenerbahce.

- They showed me recordings from big cities the day after the final. There were screens everywhere. Young and old, how they reacted. Great emotions. That result echoed. We had a reception after, we sat down on a plane and we went to his residence in Ankara. The delegation of 50 people, players, coaches... He talked with everybody. Great man - Obradovic speaks with noticeably great respect about the most famous fan of Fenerbahce.

It is interesting to listen how the best coach in Europe speaks about the beginning of his time in Fenerbahce, but he remembers one of the talks in the club at the end of this historical season.

About 2013: I had a clear picture why I was brought here. Their and mine ambitions were the same - we won the title. It took time, I signed at the beginning of July, and it was impossible to change something, I decided to go and to watch the summer league. I left the list to the man who was in charge of trades. Mirsad Jahovic, who was a sports manager of the club at the moment, called me one day and said that the man is gone, he is not answering... The man left the club, and I had to start all over again.

About 2017: This season has finally gathered it all. We had a lot of changes, perhaps because of the system of competitions of Euroleague. Before the beginning of playoffs and Panathinaikos, we were undefeated for two months. That was nice to see. But, when it all ended I said to my people, we have to see what was during the season. It is easy to remember the last two months, but come on, let's see where the problems were during the season. We reacted before this season regarding the problems, creating the probably new team, considering that two extremely important players left the team, Bogdan Bogdanovic, and Ekpe Judo, but we managed to get some new players.

He thinks that one of the key moments of the season was, pay attention, when Fenerbahce was losing by 24 points from Gaziantep at halftime. 

- After 24 points of difference, players are going outs, and the fans are welcoming us as if we are in the lead. We turned the game around and we won in the second half easily. That is something that boosted moral to the crew and gave me the possibility to talk to the players when I have to react like it was the time in Athens (first match with Panathinaikos in playoffs): "Well, you all remember well the moment, you remember who you are playing for, do you remember how much people believe you. You have to have that in your head when you play. You can't be indifferent, you have to fight... Those are really important things."


Foto: Milena Đorđević

He never liked having a driver, as we mentioned. He is now extremely grateful to everyone who told him that you "can't go without an assistant behind the wheel" on Bosphorus.

- When I came here, it was explained to me that it is impossible to drive if you don't live close to the hall. I am a bit further and for the first time, I have a driver. I am pleased with that because it helps me. When I go to the training or when I have to go to the other side, to the European part, you always write something down or you talk to some friend. It always looked prepotent to me... like... you have a driver. It turned out to be a good move. It is a great help. He knows the small streets as well.

His work time is not measured in hours, it is measured in results, which he makes through almost 20 hours of work time.

- The driver usually picks me up in 9, if we have a morning training in 11 (I think that I will have only one training from this season).

- My entire headquarters is in the office. We are working with video, three men are in charge of video. They make what is the most important to present it to me.

- I watch at least five previous games of the rivals we are meeting with. At least five.

- After that we have a condition to run a bit in the vicinity, then lunch, we have a restaurant within the hall, thank God. I managed to get a sofa bed into my office, which you can use to rest in the afternoon, that is something I still have from my playing days because I need it for concentration. I take a nap, I watch a video and we make a plan and program for the afternoon training which is usually at seven. We do it, we stay a bit more to talk, then I go to dinner, or here, or there... I never get home before 22-23h and I never get to bed before 3-4 in the morning. 5 in the morning. There, that is approximately one day. Basketball day.


Foto: Milena Đorđević

All the questions about how much he has changed over the years and his views on basketball are coming down to the following very precise rows.

- The details are changing. You are always starting from individual quality. They (the players) all like the freedom in play. And that is why you have to have quality. The players like to score from 2 step move. And to do that, you have to play good defense. Besides that, in preparation period it goes well. And then first fatigue comes, and then they stop running. They will always stop running in the opposite direction. When you should defend.

- Then the training is stopped: "Well, did you say that you like to run", come on let's run now. I like aggressive basketball. And when the players came to Fenerbahce, and earlier, they asked me "where do you see me", and I always say wherever you think you can be, I see you there. I have no problem, just speak.

He likes individual improvisation in the field, that is why he thinks it's "enough for two to organize themselves. All it takes is one look at each other. Three is enough for out".

But Zeljko doesn't understand the next message the story carries about young basketball player Omer Yurtseven, who refused the historical contract in Turkish basketball, with just 17 years old.

- We had a friendly game with Oklahoma, he was 15 years old. In the last two minutes, I put him in and I made an action for him to shot for three points. When I said you will shoot for three, he turned and said... "Me?". I said, "you will remember this, you are playing against Oklahoma, and you are 15 years old"...

- Two years ago we played against Bayern in the first round of Euroleague and the score was 19:11 for us. He was the first substitute with 17 years compared to Veseli and Judo. I put him in, and the score went to 19:19. Everything was clear, that they will attack him, that he will be a problem in defense and the attack. I took a timeout and said, "we already knew this. Let's help Omer, to help him in defense, to double play, and you can play a bit freely in the attack". He missed one sure hit, a quick shot.

- He is a child of 17 years old who got an offer from us for 5 years, incredible contract with the option to go to NBA any season. He didn't want to stay, he left for college. He stagnated there, he did not play anything. It really is all individual.


Foto: MNPress/Nebojsa Parausic

We recalled the situation after winning Euroleague in 1992, despite the lucrative offer of Juventud, Obradovic did not go straight to Spain.

Zeljko returned 25 years back and breathed life into a conversation with Kicanovic.

When you love something, then you love something. When we won all three titles, some money came in and I said to give it first to the players, assistant coaches and all the people from the office in Partizan... That my time will come. It never did, I was left without a single prize.

- There was some money from before to live on, what are you going to do. It was my greatest pleasure to be the coach of Partizan. And to be with the people. It is true that Kica said you have a wife, child... Go (in the moment when Juventud asked for Serbian coach at the end of a long season).

The famous anecdote was confirmed that he played as little in Cacak and that he didn't have the courage to ask the money from the club for transport. So he walked to his training in Borac.

- I kept talking that my mother washed so many jerseys with her hands, so many shorts, t-shirts. I made career what I never imagined that can happen. But the happiness and pleasure are in other things. I always thought that way. And at that moment, I was happy, I liked playing basketball and it wasn't difficult for me to walk to the training.

- I told my son, and a son of my friend, two years when we were on the vacation, "You like basketball? How long has it been since you took a shot to the basket? 20 days. You don't like basketball".

- I slept with the ball. I trained from morning till dawn. When you love something, then you love something. To spend 20 days without shooting a ball, that's not possible for someone who loves basketball. When you have the love for something than it is easy. The material is not important. We live in a material world, I am happy and pleased because I really don't have the slightest kind of that problem, but that is only because I can help people who are dear to me. And that is why I know that those are good people, and they would do the same for me if the tables are turned. That fulfills me. But, the material is not luck.


Fenerbahce coach is aware that comparison between Bogdan Bogdanovic and Marko Guguric is inevitable, who is coming instead of Bogdan to the Turkish Champion.

Foto: Marko Todorović

- I wouldn't like for Marko to have the pressure of comparing him with Bogdanovic, because, everybody will compare them. That that's normal. I wouldn't like that because he has a way of his own. From my side, if I chose him, I believe that he can be a player, to offer a lot to Fenerbahce and I would be happier if he built a career as Bogdan.

He speaks about Bogdan, who will start playing for Sacramento Kings this summer, with special emphasis on parents.

- Bogdan's parents are extraordinary people. That was perhaps the first time in my career that I spent time with some parents of the players. We are still friends today. They didn't allow themselves to enter the story "Bogdan player - Zeljko trainer" and what was going on. We were recently together, at the birthday of my godfather Vlada Androic.

- When Bogdan and I spoke, it was clear that he wanted to go to the NBA and that financial motives were not the priority. He has the wish and he thinks he can make it. It's up to him.

He explains in an interesting way how he helps Serbian basketball through his clubs because he paid 3 million euros for Serbian players (Bogdanovic, Kalinic, Guduric).

- The math was very clear and I tried to explain it to people. The price of our players here when they play for Red Star of Partizan is what it is, but when some other clubs are interested in them, the price is higher five or six times.

- When we agreed on Kalinic, we were negotiating with few players who were in NBA and Europe and their prices were 1.2 million per season. We paid a million for Kalinic, but when you put it in a three-year contract, that is 330 thousand per year. It turned out that Kalinic was twice as cheaper from some player we wanted.

Bogdan signed for three, Kalinic for three, and now Guduric on four which is 250.000 euros for Zvezda, plus his contract. 

- Then they pay us when the player goes to the NBA. That is the market and I am glad that the people from my club noticed what we are doing those things to save money.

The return to Belgrade in the next Euroleague season is a subject that often attracts fans, considering that the last match in Pionir when he was insulted in the match with Red Star. Zoc reveals that he recently talked with the president of Red and Whites.

Foto: AP/Tanjug

- The story is finished for me, there is no reason to return. I talked to Covic 10 days ago. We talked and everything was alright. Mutual respect before all - he said, continuing about current situations in the two greatest Serbian clubs.

- Red Star had remarkable three seasons, too bad they didn't make it to the playoffs because they earned it. They played together for few years and Radonjic lead them great. They were left without Serbian players and that is the problem. But I see that there is a strategy to sign our players again. You can always bring a foreigner.

- That used to be done in Partizan. There is no much to think about, they just have to turn to work and to be patient. Muta knows that and he knows it's hard. I wish all the best to Partizan and Zvezda, they know the way, work, and young players, and fans have to recognize that, Partizan' fans first, and I urge them to be patient.

About Miroslav Nikolic, a former assistant in Barcelona 1997, when he lead Yugoslavia to the title in Eurobasket as selector:

Foto: MNPress

- He is a coach that has a lot of well done things. You take the CV and you see the results. He worked in big clubs, but also in small ones where he created players. He, as a coach, must have patience. People from the club must recognize his work. They need to find players who want to play in Partizan and to realize that as a chance.

We had basketball question even the magician like Obradovic didn't think about: How come that most point guards are the top coaches in basketball.

- That is interesting, I haven't thought about that, but let's say Kresimir Cosic was a great coach. I attended seminars, I was on a training when he came to work with us. There is Petar Skansi, but I can't remember tall players who were successful coaches. That is a question for someone to look into more seriously (laughter).


Foto: Milena Đorđević

Serbia in the time of his coaching will be one of the main candidates for the gold in Turkey in September, but unlike previous generations, there are often cancellations.

- It is important that all main carriers are here. As soon as they are here, that generation can maybe make a result.

- They should be congratulated for being in the national team year and year again. The most important ones are there!

Things became more serious when we asked him if that means that Jokic not answering is not a problem.

- Jokic is an extraordinary player, I personally think that playing for the national team would help him. I see playing for your nation as the greatest honor in a career. I see that everybody try to find an excuse for Jokic and him not coming, and what bothers me the most is the story that he should be working individually on himself. We are probably all Indians according to the program in Denver.

- He was done in May, there is plenty of time to rest till July. Don't take me wrong, he is an excellent boy, a good kid.

- Of course that the national team is entirely different with him. But, why Teodosic never cared about taking a break? He has the right to say that, he has been here for years. Or Stefan Markovic. And then when Teo misses a shot they all go: "Take a look at him, he sucks".

The point is...

- You want a special program, do it in the morning, and with your national team in the afternoon. Everything can be done if the player wants it. The boy is probably thinking in a different way or someone is giving him advice. I respect that, but I have a right to my own opinion.

Printskrin: Magazine - Ball Don't Lie

He is not indifferent to the new FIBA qualification system for the World Cup. The championships and leagues will be canceled due to qualifying matches, as in football.

- That is a disaster, it doesn't make any sense. The question repeats itself if someone will forbid the players to play. My attitude is that the player should always play but in the summer period.

- But, to stop in the middle of the season, that is stupid. What now Bogdan can't come from NBA and Kalinic can't play, that is his decision, but the club will say if he hurts himself "We are sorry, go ask money from FIBA". I will have the biggest problem because I have 10 national players.

- Why couldn't European League have a high opinion about their competition? And now FIBA doesn't have money to pay wages so they are trying this way. And how will it look like when home players play home league and the Euroleague, and then go to the National team. How will that look like? Who is thinking about them, about the players?

He never financially punished his players with whom he likes to go out for dinner, in 25 years, and if that happens he has a ready solution.

- If there is some fine, he usually has to take the team for dinner. That is always used to make a good atmosphere.


Zoc revealed that he has been to six weddings and four birthdays this summer. And when he is in Belgrade, his friends can't wait so he spends special time with them and with good music.

Guca and trumpet are in his blood.

- That became a bit forced. I am from those areas and I have those relations because I have friends trumpeters; I like a trumpet and I think that all of that is an emotion. Not everybody can understand the trumpet. They wrote that I was there last year, I wasn't, probably out of habit.

- And if I go, I have two taverns, two good friends and I get away to be unnoticed and it can feel good then. If there are those who record with phones, I get up and I dance, but that is not the pleasure.

- I grew up during those famous bands of old Yugoslavia. Idoli, Prljavo Kazaliste, Elektricni Orgazam, Film, Novi Val. That is the music I grew up on. But you can't get away from the tavern.

- I know a lot of songs, I lived in a tavern, I still live and I will continue to live in a tavern. I make bets with singers: I give them 50 euros for the song, if he doesn't know it, he has to return 20.

Zoc's new recipe for enjoying taverns is like basketball, but only in writing. You should know.

- You have to know how to enjoy in a tavern. There has to be a ritual. You can't jump from Djoka Balasevic songs to Cune Gojkovic. There has to be a concept. I can't jump one song to another.

- I keep silent, I listen until the time comes, and then I order something with people I feel comfortable with.

Foto: Milena Đorđević

Stefan Milosevic

Dragutin Stojmenovic

Photo: Milena Djordjevic


Video: Od novembra počinje skrining karcinoma pluća, pulmolog otkriva ko je u riziku i zašto treba da dođe

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