Trump's "Rabid dog" bit Serbia by it's heart: This is new attitude of America about Kosovo

The statement of new american Secretary of Defense demolishes hopes of Serbian public that Trump's administration will change the USA attitude about Kosovo

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Donald Trump inauguration was expected in Serbian public with great expectation and the arrival of new administration into the White House, with hope that some changes will occur with the attitude about Kosovo. However, 10 days haven't passed and the statement of new american Secretary of defense James Mattis followed that Safety forces of Kosovo must get a mandate to defend the country. In the moment of increased tensions on the relation Belgrade-Pristina and rattling of guns at the north of Kosovo and Metohija, where Serbs are majority, this statement puts a cold shower on Serbian hopes.

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Serbian officials stressed the importance of KFOR presence on Kosovo and Metohija for preserving peace and safety, before all, for protecting members of Serbian and other non Albanian people. 

Even though there were announcements that NATO troops wont retreat, that are a part of KFOR, after the latest statement of State secretary for Defense of USA James Mattis, who has a nickname "Rabid Dog", there is serious doubt.

Foto-ilustracija: Tanjug/Boki Foto-ilustracija: Tanjug/Boki

Namely, on a hearing in Congress on 12th January before the confirmation of elections, Mattis said that he pleads for decrease of american forces on Kosovo, and that Kosovo forces must get a mandate to perform their duties in defending the country. 

- I would propose for the reduction to be relative with the current safety situation. However, i consider that the forces remain crucial for the stability in the region. More over, it would be wise that before reducing the military presence american soldiers, Safety forces of Kosovo must get a mandate to perform Safety situations in the country itself, as well the territorial defense, the move that requires constitutional changes and the support of parliament (Kosovo Assembly) - pointed Mattis.

Foto: Tanjug/AP Foto: Tanjug/AP

For the public of Serbia, which awaited the attitude of Trump administration about Kosovo with great hope, this statement represents disappointment. Just like the former administration of Barack Obama which had forgiving attitude towards temporary authorities in Pristina, Mattis statement presents continuity of american politics towards this part of Europe. 

- That means that so called Kosovo independence is done deal for them and that they will keep treating Kosovo as a state. This is a first official statement regarding Kosovo and it speaks that individuals had unrealistic expectations, and that Trump administration will keep following the policy of the former government - said for Telegraf, Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija.

Printskrin: Telegraf Printskrin: Telegraf

Drecun said that USA wants to conclude the self proclaimed independence of Kosovo with forming of so called "Armed forces of Kosovo", and that constitution should be changed in that way.

- I seems that they will seek solution to avoid obstacles in the parliament in Pristina to form that formation, and that obstacle is opposition of Serbian people - mentions Drecun.

Serbia needs to maximally accelerate its lobbying in connection with Trump, says for our portal, Dragomir Andjelkovic, a political analyst. He believes that there is a possibility that the Tramp thinks one thing and his colleagues have a different opinion.

Foto: Medija centar Beograd Foto: Medija centar Beograd

- It is important for Trump to understand the implications of announced measures. It is our party to lobby - explains Andjelkovic.

Otherwise, apart from the attitude on Kosovo Security Force, Drecun is concerned about Matis statements that it will be likely asked from Serbia to recognize Kosovo as a state before entering EU.

With that stated, Drecun said that first message from Trump's administration regarding Kosovo is not encouraging.

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