(DISTURBING PHOTO) Image posted of the beheaded Tomislav Salopek!

"Salopek was executed because of Croatia's participation in the war against ISIS" after "the expiry of the 48-hour deadline, which was granted to the Egyptian government to release prisoners," according to the Twitter pages where militants leave messages


  • Radek

    August 13, 2015 | 09:08

    Another day and another battle is lost while these blood thirsty group who don't respect themselves much less others keep on their evil duty. I feel for family of this man and specially for his children knowing the father was slaughtered by medieval way of thinking who use whatever god as a way to justify their actions.

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  • cro

    August 12, 2015 | 16:30

    I would just like to state that NONE of my muslim/arab friends, and i have many, have written a word commenting the tragedy of Tomislav Salopek, neither during his captivity neither now that they have beheaded him. I always send happy Ramadan/Eid greetings to all of them etc, in this case i have not received a single note from one of them! Which stands to show that ALL muslims think in the same way. They ALL hate Christians and so far i have NEVER heard any one of them strogly condemning these atrocities. They all say that Islam is the religion of peace, but where are you now my muslim friends and other muslim people when my copatriot has been brutally slaughtered? The only thing the muslims all over the world are concerned with when these things happen is that they might loose some of the privilegies they enjoy throughout the western world, social benefits from the western states where they live and that they might face "racism" from the western people and that Islam might get "misunderstood". That is as far as they think when Isil kills innocent people.

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    • August 12, 2015 | 20:26



      The same case. My "friends" of the Islamic faith aren’t commented on anything, as if nothing had happened. Muslims in Croatia are silent. This bloody beasts I can only say: you’re not God's creatures, you're the devils in the "human" body, you'll be damned forever! My sincere condolences to the family of murdered Tomislav Salopek. Tomislav, rested in peace of God. :'(

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