SCANDAL IN THE LOTTERY: Is Serbian lotto rigged?


  • Nigel Cooper

    July 30, 2015 | 13:17

    21 or 27, or was it 27 and 21, or was it a FIX, a scam, a fraud? How can [ANY] person guess or predict a number, as all of the numbers were "blind" to her view, she the commentator was reading from an AUTO-QUE, so how come the auto que had the numbers in advance? You cannot have a game of chance where the number are PRE-SELECTED (that's not chance, that fraud and embezzelement). Be it 1 Euro or which ever currency chossen; a lottery is a lottery is a lottery! All of the current national and international lotteries as a direvitive of the same, (a glass ball filled with little balls picked at random (rr auto que (random)), thus is FAKE, A SCAM, A FRAUD in one country, it would be fare to say, it's a similar scam across them all. There is a simple solution to fix the scam. Under the gaming act's applicalbe in this case, a "TAXATION" or gaming tax is applied to the winnings, thus there must be a paid tax record in the country of the winning number, no tax record, no win, (a FAKE), thus when investigation EURO~Millions and EURO~Jackpot, all that is need is a simple registered letter.... "Dear mr. Tax man, the winning number on EURO~xxxxx was paid to country yyyyy, and under the freedom of information, may I see the taxable return and the tax-paid and due reciept? :-) No tax.. ooops another fraud committed against the common man and woman. All lotteries seems to apply the same funchion... BIG Winners, but no-body knows any winner... Made up names, and place's... some one is given 1,000,000 euors to say "LOOK I just won 120,000,000 euors..."... but where did the other 119,000,000 euros go... *no tax record, no win, a fraud. Lots of love Dr. Nigel Cooper Dr. I.T. (Sec) MSc BSc CCSE CCSA Dip MiSM

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