EXCLUSIVE: Telegraph found "abused" girl from the video that ignited the world! (VIDEO)

The girl from the clip about violence called "One photo a day in the worst year of my life," is Mia Hujic - philologist and translator for Italian. She worked as a hostess and model in Italy fashion houses „Ralph Lauren” and “Jill Sander”

Video titled "One photo a day in the worst year of my life," which begins with the smiling face of a girl, and ends with the shocking images of violence in which the girl asks for help, has caused many fierce reactions.

As Telegraph reveals, the author of this clip is Mia Hujic, philologist and translator of Italian. She worked as a hostess and model in the show rooms in Italy, and for fashion houses “Ralph Lauren” and “Jill Sander”. As a translator she collaborated with movie houses and worked on the set of the Italian series.

When we called her, Mia was visibly upset and surprised how on the Earth we managed to get to her, because it was more than obvious, that the creators of this project attempted to conceal the identities of people who had made this disturbing video.

- How did you find me? Sorry, I can’t tell you anything, nothing at all. The last few days, were completely crazy! Please understand me, when I say that I wouldn’t like to give any official statements on this occasion - said Hujic.
