Vucevic: First meeting on movement for people and state to take place during weekend
Caretaker Prime Minister Milos Vucevic announced today that the first meeting regarding a movement for the people and the state will be held this weekend and added that it is a matter of agreement whether a big rally will be held on March 28 or in April.
Vucevic said that at the meeting about the movement, all activities that follow until Vidovdan (major Serbian holiday, June 28) and the official formation of the movement should be discussed.
"At that meeting, I expect there to be people who are not in political parties, representatives of all peoples and nations in the country. It is a movement for a strong and independent state," Vucevic told Newsmax Balkans.
He added that he believes that the movement will be successful and that it will represent a strong call and community for people who share a freedom-loving spirit.