Flags of Albania and so-called KLA hanged in playground used by Serb children in Orahovac

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Illustration: Pixabay/Sebastian Nikiel
On Thursday, a group of Albanian youths passed through the part of Orahovac where the remaining Serbs live, carrying flags of Albania and the so-called KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army").
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They then hung the flags on the fence of a sports field where Serb children play and spend time, eyewitnesses told Tanjug.
Local Serb said that the incident caused upset, given that the area is the only place where Serb children can gather.
In the immediate vicinity of the playground is the infirmary where Serb doctors work and where the remaining Serbs are treated.
Before 1999, more than 3,000 Serbs lived in Orahovac, now there are about 300.