EXTREMELY DISTURBING! Video of train colliding with van, man dies, wife, 4-year-old child seriously injured!

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Informer.rs
Just how horrific the traffic accident in Rakovica was this morning can be seen in a video that has been released to the public.
Horrific accident near Cicevac: Man trips and falls onto rail tracks at station, train severs his foot
This is what a van that collided with a train near Vladicin Han looks like: Sheer luck that nobody died
Namely, as a result of a collision between a train and a van in Rakovica, a Belgrade suburb, the van driver Miljan T. (36) was killed, while his wife and daughter (4) were seriously injured and the Emergency Center doctors are trying to save their lives.
The ten-second video shows a white van driving around a lowered level crossing gate.
As soon as the van was on the tracks, a passenger train traveling on the Belgrade-Uzice line collided with it.