Belgrade Zoo to get new baby kangaroo: We filmed him peering out of his mother's pouch - and he's not born yet
One doesn't often get to see something like this in Serbia, - a baby kangaroo peering out of his mother's pouch, while still not ready to come out - therefore, he's not even officially born yet.
We watched the kangaroo family through the glass of their warm home - the young mom was calmly lounging by the radiator, and the dad was looking a little confused. They just met and it's their first baby together...
"When a kangaroo comes out of the womb, it is the size of a little finger, then moves into its mother's pouch, where four teets await it, which are of different sizes and shapes. As it grows, it moves from one to the other, the quality of milk changes according to its needs. It's a different ratio of protein and fat," explained Kristijan Ovari, a biologist at the Belgrade Zoo.
According to Ovari, the official birth is the moment when the young animal first comes out of the pouch.
As we already noted, this is a very young female with a new male, and according to the vet, they are getting along well.
"We see that the mother is really, really taking good care of her little one," Ovari said.