Scandalous! Albanian flag displayed on Serbian town hall - municipal president is proud: "You're so pretty"

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The flag of Albania was displayed on the building of the Municipality of Bujanovac, in southern Serbia, today.

The occasion was Albania's national holiday. The flag was put on the mast by Arber Pajaziti, the president of the Bujanovac municipality (an ethnic Albanian), reports the local media,

"Our roots, our identity, our being. How pretty you are, how irreplaceable and how magnificent! Dear compatriots, we congratulate you on the great national holiday, Happy Flag Day," Pajaziti posted.

Flag Day for Serbia's ethnic Albanian minority, however, is November 28, but the flag was displayed a day before. It is assumed that this was done because Pajaziti and his associates were going to attend the central celebration of that holiday in Albania itself.

The Bujanovacke site previously reported that some Albanian leaders, due to the ban on displaying the Albanian flag in public places, called on citizens to nevertheless do this on Thursday on their own homes on November 28.

For years now, courts in Serbia have fined ethnic Albanians for displaying the flag of a neighboring country.

The Albanian national minority is not allowed to use the flag of Albania as their own - instead it must be used "in relation" to the flag of the actual country they are in, i.e., Serbia.

Out of all of Serbia's dozens of ethnic minorities, only the Albanians have not resolved the issue of the official use of a national symbol.

Ethnic Albanian leaders say that the flag of Albania is "their national symbol, which they do not wish to change and adjust."
