Physical clash in Assembly, Brnabic calls security: Opposition tries to prevent debate

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Printscreen/RTS
A physical clash took place in the Serbian Assembly between the members of the government and the opposition.
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It happened as opposition deputies first unfurled banners after the adoption of the agenda, and then tried to physically prevent the start of the debate when the members of the Government entered the hall.
There was first pushing, and then a physical confrontation between Bojan Torbica from the Movement of Socialists and SSP president Dragan Djilas.
President of the Assembly Ana Brnabic called security to enter and they tried to calm down the deputies.
Brnabic then called on the deputies to return to their seats.
Soon some did, but the debate not continue as those from the opposition were still standing.