Vucic on Novi Sad railway station tragedy: "I'm sure authorities will establish who is criminally responsible"

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
The deadly incident claimed 14 lives, while 3 survivors are still in critical condition
Photo: TV Pink
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic today once again offered his condolences to the families of the victims who died during the partial collapse of the Railway Station in Novi Sad on Friday.
First images of Novi Sad railway building collapse: Scene teeming with police, rescue of casualties under way
DISTURBING VIDEO: Novi Sad railway station's concrete structure collapses instantly; 8 people confirmed dead
The deadly incident claimed 14 lives, while 3 survivors are still in critical condition.
Speaking on Monday, Vucic pointed out that the competent authorities will establish who is responsible for the tragedy.
"I am sure that the competent authorities will establish who is criminally responsible for the tragedy that befell the country," said Vucic.
The unprecedented event occurred when the decades-old eaves built over the entrance to the Novi Sad Railway Station collapsed, leaving 14 people dead and three seriously injured.