Sky "parts in two" over Sremska Mitrovica: Miraculous phenomenon shocked everyone, look at the picture

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

They look to be rather low, and have "drawn a border" over the city

Photo: Sremskomitrovacki Portal

The sky above Sremska Mitrovica today is different than usual, and this photo proves it. Namely, it shows a strange phenomenon due to which the clouds covered only one half of the sky.

These clouds are thick and look like a white blanket, and it seems as if one could reach up and touch them. This incredible sight is rare, making it look as if the clouds will "swallow" the city at any moment.

They look to be rather low, and have "drawn a border" over the city - the sky is half covered in dense clouds, while the other half is completely clear.

The photo published by the Sremskomitrovacki Portal also shows a church, and the clouds look like they have formed a ring around it.
