Rude parking can really hurt: Brutal artificial intelligence-generated solution to Belgrade's burning issue
Forks that remove cars parked on the tracks. In Belgrade, do we really need the kind of tram like this one generated using artificial intelligence?
We imagined such a vehicle and gave several words of instructions to the generator, which obviously understood us very well.
Not a day goes by without news that tram traffic had to be stopped because of rude parking.
Such situations usually resolve in 10-15 minutes, when the owner of the car runs out and, amid the noise of the ringing trams, car horns and angry shouts of passengers, removes their vehicle.
But, if this driver were to "feel on their own skin" the damage they do to traffic, they would think twice before blocking the tracks.
The removal of parked vehicles, however, will have to continue to be done by towing vehicles. But, maybe trams could be fitted with special police cameras, which would automatically detect illegal parking.
How would you solve the problem of people parking their cars on the tram tracks?