Petkovic: Who authorized Stano to violate EU's status neutrality and recognize so-called Kosovo

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Tanjug/ Tara Radovanovic

The director of the office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, today asked who authorized EU spokesperson Peter Stan to violate the bloc's status-neutral stance toward so-called Kosovo and recognize it.

Petkovic was reacting with a post on X to Stano publishing an emoji representing so-called Kosovo's flag, along with the flag of Serbia, thereby violating EU's policy on this matter.

"Who authorized EU spokesperson to violate EU's status neutrality by recognizing so-called Kosovo? On whose behalf is Stano speaking and why does he exceed his mandate when five EU states don't recognize UDI (unilaterally declared independence of ) Kosovo? If he's changed employers, he should say so clearly!," wrote Petkovic.
