President Vucic meets with the commander of Ohio National Guard

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Tanjug/Vladimir Sporcic

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met today in Belgrade with the commander of the Ohio National Guard, Major General John Harris.

They discussed the security situation in the region, the relations between Serbia and the US, as well as the possibilities for further improvement of bilateral military and cooperation in other areas.

"I conveyed to Major General Harris my concern about the increasingly difficult security situation faced by the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, requesting stronger support from the US in protecting our people and ensuring their rights. I stressed that our country is determined to strengthen overall bilateral relations with the US, especially in the economic field, with the aim of establishing strategic partnership in areas of mutual interest," Vucic posted on his Instagram account.

He also stated that the conversation was constructive.

According to Vucic, they noted with satisfaction the sincere mutual commitment to the continuation of the successful cooperation between Serbia and the Ohio National Guard and presented proposals regarding the possibilities for its improvement.
