Flood wave has reached Serbia: Regular flooding limit crossed, here is where

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.
Photo: Tanjug/Vladimir Sporcic

The water level of the Danube is on the rise up to Novi Sad, downstream the rise is moderate with a tendency of increasing in the following days.

Here is the situation today, at one measuring station, the water level has crossed the limit of regular protection.

As can be seen from the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ) information, today the regular flooding limit was crossed near Bezdan, and the next town with a high water level is Apatin.

Photo: Printscreen RHMZ

Also, the RHMZ notes:

  • The water level of the Danube is on the rise, with a tendency to increase over the next four days
  • The water level of the Tisa is stagnating with a tendency to continue so and with a small rise for the next four days
  • The water level of the Sava is on a moderate rise with a tendency to increase the next day, then drop
  • The water level of the Velika Morava is stagnating with a tendency to continue the same way, and minor fluctuations over the next two days
  • Water levels on the Danube are high and medium-high, on the Sava medium-high, on the Tisa medium, and on the Velika Morava in low for the season

The water temperatures on the rivers in Serbia range from:

  • The Danube around 13.9 °C,
  • The Sava around 17.8 °C,
  • The Velika Morava around 18.2 °C,
  • The Tisa around 19.8 °C; the Banat watercourses around 16.4 °C, which is around the average value for this time of year

Regular flooding protection is declared when the water level on a river reaches the prescribed limit (which is determined for each river sector) and tends to rise further. Regular defense against flooding is declared by the competent water management center and implies continuous observation and monitoring of the condition of embankments and buildings.

Emergency flooding is declared when the water level reaches the prescribed limit and tends to rise further, or when other reasons require that (the water level above the limit that remains for a long time, the condition of embankments and buildings, the danger of ice accumulation, etc.).

Emergency protection is declared by the competent water management center and it entails continuous monitoring of the condition of embankments and buildings and elimination of negative occurrences. In the event of an overflow or an uncontrolled breach of an embankment as well as controlled cutting through an  embankment, a state of emergency is declared. A state of emergency is declared by the relevant municipality, and includes construction of localization embankments, evacuation of the population, etc.

During the flooding protection regime, the Hydrological Service of the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute carries out additional hydrological observations, additional delivery of data, hydrological and meteorological information and forecasts to flooding protection entities and to the public.
