"Nobody's more desperate than Kurti": Petkovic reacts to Kurti saying Vucic takes measures out of desperation

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Tanjug/ Tara Radovanovic

After Albin Kurti's statement that the measures to help the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija announced by President Vucic were made out of desperation and do not contribute to peace, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, said in a post on X that that nobody is more desperate than Kurti.

Нема већег очајника од Куртија чији специјалци пуцају на српску децу, који иде дугим цевима на голоруки народ и који терорише Србе да докаже да је силан. Боли Куртија што ни пас неће да му приђе на северу КиМ и што народ верује свом једином председнику Вучићу! https://t.co/mFrtVMr7Ve

"No one is more desperate than Kurti, whose special forces shoot at Serb children, who goes with rifles against unarmed people and who terrorizes Serbs to prove that he is strong. It hurts Kurti that not even a dog would come up to him in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that the people trust their only president, Vucic," wrote Petkovic.

According to Kurti, three conditions that he set must be discussed first, i.e., the surrender of Milan Radojicic to the authorities in Pristina, the signing of an agreement and the withdrawal of a letter from former Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.
