Minister Ristic welcomes Vatican's State Secretary Cardinal Parolin at Belgrade airport

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Ministry of Information

Minister of Information and Telecommunications Dejan Ristic today formally welcomed Vatican's State Secretary Cardinal Pietro Parolin at Belgrade's Nikola Tesla airport.

Ristic extended a cordial welcome to the Holy See official and expressed satisfaction with the realization of this visit, the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications has announced.

Photo: Ministry of Information

The cardinal was also welcomed by Minister of Justice Maja Popovic, Director of the Administration for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities Vladimir Roganovic, Apostolic Nuncio to Serbia Santo Gangemi , Monsignor and Diplomatic Counselor Simon Bolivar Carrion, Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade Ladislav Nemet, as well as other officials.

Photo: Ministry of Information

The reason for Cardinal Parolin's visit is the commemoration of 100 years since the establishment of the (Catholic) Archdiocese of Belgrade which will be led by the state secretary of the Holy See.

In addition to high-ranking representatives of the Catholic Church,  high-ranking representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Evangelical Church, the Islamic Community, as well as the top state and city authorities, diplomatic and military-diplomatic representatives will attend that ceremony.
