President Vucic to make unscheduled address tomorrow evening: He will announce very important decisions

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

President Vucic to make unscheduled address

Photo: Tanjug/Vladimir Sporcic

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will make his address on Friday starting at 6 pm.

The state leadership is still discussing various topics, reportedly the option of declaring occupation of a part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia is also on the table.

This entails numerous consequences, including preparations for the return of the occupied areas, because of the terror that our people in Kosovo and Metohija have been suffering for years, the situation that has escalated in the last few days, Kurir writes.

The last in a series of such events that came after the now 14-day blockade of Serb institutions was the beating, harassment and arrest of four Serb youths who were out for a birthday party.

At the same time, all this brings significant problems, not only because of the need for development and progress of Serbia, but also due to the fact that this would recognize the legality and legitimacy of the so-called the army of Kosovo, and (Pristina's) institutions as legal opponents.

The president will announce what has been decided on Friday evening, Kurir is reporting.
