Vucic: Within 72 hours I will address public regarding brutal attack in northern Kosovo and Metohija

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Vucic spoke on Tuesday after meeting with Lajcak and Hill

Photo: Tanjug/Sava Radovanovic

President Aleksandar Vucic today spoke at the Presidency of Serbia in Belgrade.

"We had two-hour talks first with (EU envoy) Lajcak, then with US Ambassador Hill. We will be addressing the public within the next 72 hours. I will talk about what Serbia is demanding, because of the brutal attacks on the Serb population above all in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. What is it that the so-called international community has not fulfilled, what is it that Serbia is asking, and what will Serbia do," said Vucic.

"It is to be expected that we will present far-reaching proposals to the National Assembly during the month of October. We will have many important meetings, we have to fight for Serbia's position in the world, to look for allies. We will work on that plan and do everything possible in that regard," the president added.

He also said that it is now completely clear that Albin Kurti wants the destruction and persecution of the Serb people.

"And I think that is clear not only to us, but also to everyone else," Vucic concluded.
