Van full of migrants ran off the road trying to escape police: 7 children among those injured

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Photo: Printscreen, Croatian police

Seven children were injured early this morning when a van with Swiss license plates ran off the road between Slavonski Brod and Nova Gradiska in Croatia as the police were trying to stop it.

According to unofficial information, the passengers were migrants.

The Brod-Posavina Institute for Emergency Medicine has learned that 14 people, including seven children, were injured in the accident that happened around 3:10 am on the road in Malino near Luzan.

The police announced that the officers, while carrying out the tasks of preventing illegal entry into Croatia, spotted a visibly loaded van with Swiss registration plates at around 3:05 am, which they signaled to stop for checks.

However, the driver ignored the orders of the police and continued driving, increasing the speed.

After two minutes, when the police officers arrived in Malino, they noticed that the van had gone off the road, having hit a public light pole.

The investigation is ongoing, and the injured persons have been transported to the hospital.
