Drunk Chinese man barges into Belgrade apartment, argues with women, swings meat cleaver: Hero intervenes!

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
Illustration; Photo: Mateja Beljan

A true drama unfolded in an apartment in Surcin, Belgrade around one hour after minding, when a Chinese citizen (33) attacked his friend, also a Chinese citizen, and the people who were in her apartment, using a meat cleaver.

He arrived to the apartment in an intoxicated state, with 1.5 permilles of alcohol in his blood and got into an argument with those present, and then went to the kitchen, grabbed the meat cleaver and attacked his friend and her friend.

Their common friend S.V (37), who was also there, jumped in to protect them.

He raised his arm to stop the attacker from injuring the two women, as a result of which he got hit on it with the blade and suffered cuts and broken bones.

The investigation is being conducted by the Third Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, and the suspect will be held responsible for inflicting serious bodily injuries.
