Vucic: Decision regarding possible compulsory military service to be made in the next 20 days

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

"Expect our decision in the next 20 days, which will be evident already in the budget debate"

Photo: Tanjug/Marko Djokovic

President Aleksandar Vucic said today that a decision on the possible reinstatement of compulsory military service in Serbia will be made in the next 20 days.

"Today we are holding final discussions about the possibility. Expect our decision in the next 20 days, which will be evident already in the budget debate. When the rebalancing is done on October 1, 5 or 10, everything will be known," Vucic told reporters during a tour of works on the Sabac-Loznica road.

Speaking about the unit of the Serbian Army located in Loznica, in the west of the country, and a military drill that will be held today, Vucic said that only half of the special infantry unit has been formed so far, but that there would also be an armored platoon and some other units.

"Those who can always intervene and receive the first blow are close to the potential directions of an aggressor attack. We will see what the exercise in Gucevo will look like. 4,000 Austrian and Serbian soldiers who died in the First World War are buried near to where the exercise will be held," noted Vucic.

The president added that today he will talk with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz about the topics they covered the previous time they spoke, as well as regional issues.

"It's a very important conversation for us. I am satisfied that I can talk about it and I will set aside time for that conversation, and then I'll hurry to Gucevo," said Vucic.
