Vulin: "I congratulate Aleksandar Vucic and BIA on the arrest of suspected Croatian spy"

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The Croats did not understand that after the expulsion of the head of their intelligence network, Hrvoje Snajder, that they should stop recruiting Serbs and doing intelligence work

Photo: MUP

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin has reacted to the arrest of a Croat suspected of espionage.

"I congratulate President Aleksandar Vucic, the leadership and members of the BIA on the arrest of a Croatian spy. No one deserves greater contempt and a harsher punishment than the Serbs who betray their country and people. The members of the BIA have shown that they are professionals who must be respected, but also patriots whom the enemies of Serbia should fear.

The Croats did not understand that after the expulsion of the head of their intelligence network, Hrvoje Snajder, they should stop recruiting Serbs and doing intelligence work. Hopefully they will learn that lesson better now. Everything changes, the service remains," said Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin.
