3 dead in shooting in high school in Sanski Most, Bosnia-Herzegovina

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

So far, the police have confirmed that three people have been killed

Photo: Printscreen

A shooting took place in a high school in Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina today, leaving people wounded and killed.

Three people were killed in the shooting, among them, according what Klix has unofficially learned, the headmaster and a secretary, while some media reports say that teachers who were in a meeting have been killed.

Several people have been wounded.

Allegedly, a school worker opened fire on them.

"For now, I can confirm that a firearm was used in the high school, and that three people were killed while one was seriously injured. All other details will be known after the investigation," said Adnan Beganovic, spokesman for the MUP  of the Unsko-Sanski Canton.

He said that the details of the shooting are not yet known, and that there are numerous police teams on the ground.

"More information will be known during the day," said Beganovic.
