Disturbing video! Brutal mass fight in central Novi Pazar: Two teenagers beaten up

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The incident started after a short dispute related to traffic, when the driver of a white Golf tried to enter a one-way street, demanding that the vehicles coming his way pull over

In the night between Saturday and Sunday a brutal fight took place in Novi Pazar, during which two minors were injured.

The incident started after a short dispute related to traffic, when the driver of a white Golf tried to enter a one-way street, demanding that the vehicles coming his way pull over.

When he failed in this, four men, aged around 30, got out of his car and physically attacked two minors aged 16 and 17 from the first of the oncoming vehicles, also a Golf.

The thugs, after pulling the teens out of the car, started to brutally punch and kick them in the head and chest.

Those injured were taken to the General Hospital in Novi Pazar, where they are currently receiving treatment. The extent of their injuries is unknown at this time.

The police are working to shed light on all the circumstances regarding this event.
