Dacic: Scandalous prison escape of terrorist and war criminal Ramadani

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

This is a member of the terrorist KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") who committed crimes against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and who is wanted by Serbia, in order to be put on trial

Photo: MUP

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic stated today that the escape of terrorist and war criminal Blerim Ramadani, who was under house arrest in North Macedonia, is a scandalous event.

"The escape of terrorist and war criminal Blerim Ramadani from house arrest in North Macedonia is scandalous. This is a member of the terrorist KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") who committed crimes against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and who is wanted by Serbia, in order to be put on trial.

We are asking for an explanation from the state authorities of North Macedonia as to how it is possible for someone who was arrested based on our internationally valid warrant, to escape from house arrest. Or is it that international justice does not apply to Albanian terrorists and war criminals, when they kill Serbs, everything is allowed and forgiven," asked Dacic.
