Powerful words about Djokovic: "They wanted your digrace, you threw frauds under your feet"

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

The Brazilian journalist praised the Serbian ace on TV

The Olympic Games officially ended on Sunday evening, and around the world they are slowly being signed off, recalling the most memorable details that marked the events in Paris!

There is no doubt that Novak Djokovic's gold medal is at the very top of the most important achievements that were seen during the event, so a Brazilian journalist and author paid special attention to it.

Guilherme Fiuza spoke highly of the Serbian ace on a Brazilian TV station during a live broadcast and sent a powerful message to Djokovic's "haters".

"Djokovic, you are not a winner, you are a liberator. You have placed at your feet a crowd of cowards who wanted your downfall. No, they didn't want your defeat, they wanted your disgrace. You have placed a crowd of frauds, posing as ethical, at your feet. The frauds will have eternal nightmares about you. Djokovic, your gold medal humiliates the propagandists of false science. Each shameful boo was met by you with a brilliant play," said Fiuza and added:

"You taught the strength of dignity to a mob, something they will never understand. You were detained in Australia (during the pandemic). They let free those who bowed to infamy. Many of them fell ill, you remained in perfect health. You showed that there is no magic potion, especially not for mass blackmail. Even so, after being detained, you were expelled from the country. They wanted to destroy you morally, wanted to annihilate your kind, make you disappear off the map. (But) You are on the world map forever. In a time of debasement and subjugation of your peers, anyone who dares raise their head will see you, Novak Djokovic."

Fiuza did not stop there, and continued to glorify Djokovic.

"Some won't be able to bear it and will prefer to go back to staring at the ground, picking up the golden crumbs from the politically correct lobbyists. But those who dare keep their spine straight will find hope in you, Djoko. Hope. One day, humanity's great shame will be properly exposed. And on that day, you will not be on the top of the podium, you will be in the gallery of eternity, with the unequivocal recognition of who you are. Novak Djokovic, you are a hero."

