Vulin: If you wonder where freedom is, just look to where Serbs and Russians are

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Aleksandar Vulin said that Serbs and Russians won their own freedom in the Second World War and that they brought freedom to other nations, but that those nations never forgave them for getting liberated from Nazism

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin, who is on an official visit to the Russian Federation, has attended the unveiling ceremony of a monument to the Yugoslav Partisans, located in the Patriot Park near Moscow.

Aleksandar Vulin said that Serbs and Russians won their own freedom in the Second World War and that they brought freedom to other nations, but that those nations never forgave them for getting liberated from Nazism.

"Serbs and Russians have never been on the wrong side of history, and if you wonder where freedom is, just look to where Serbs and Russians are. Our ancestors led us to the winning side, and that's why we don't revise history and we don't let those who are ashamed of their own history do that.

They are not ashamed of the crimes committed by their ancestors, they are ashamed of their defeat. And that's why I greet you the same way Yugoslav Partisans used to, a greeting that is as true today as it was then: "Death to fascism, freedom to the people'," said Vulin.
