Vucic announces: "We expect new provocations in Kosovo and Metohija on 14th and 15th..."

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

"Let me tell them right away that it will not be allowed, and we have respect for KFOR and believe they will do their job," said the president

Printscreen: Tanjug

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic revealed, during his address to the public regarding Saturday's protests, that new provocations are being prepared in Kosovo and Metohija.

"On the 14th and 15th we expect the opening of the (Ibar) bridge in Kosovo and Metohija, they (Pristina) will try to impose some new Serb leaders, to portray them as brave even though they are not, who will try to separate them (Serbs) from Belgrade and then agree with Kurti on how to be his servants, but in fact work for foreign interests," Vucic said, and added:

"Let me tell them right away that it will not be allowed, and we have respect for KFOR and believe they will do their job."
