Protest in Pasjane over arrest of five Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (PHOTO)

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Family members of those arrested are among those gathered

Photo: Aleksandar Nedeljkovic

Residents from Serb communities in Kosovosko Pomoravlje gathered today in Pasjane to protest against the arrest of five of their compatriots.

We have learned that several thousand people are attending the protest, and among them are family members of those arrested. It is expected that they will address the gathering.

The participants carry banners with the following messages: "Arrested, but not guilty," "They are arresting us to expel all Serbs," "Europe, why are you silent about the suffering of Serbs?," "We demand protection from KFOR," "World is silent as we suffer terror every day," "You taught them badly, teacher, to have them arrest you."

T-shirts with the message, "Arrest us because we are Serbs, no surrender!" are noticeable among the people.

Draganan Cvetkovic's grandson is also at the protest. Cvetkovic is one of those arrested. His disability is at 90 percent, he was in the past wounded by Albanians. He is the father of a local priest.

The message reads, "Kurti, set my grandfather free, my grandfather is not a killer"; Photo: Aleksandar Nedeljkovic

Slobodan Jevtic, Dragan Cvetkovic, Dragan Nicic, Milos Sosic from Pasjane and Nenad Stojanovic from Bosac were arrested on Saturday and put in 30-day detention.

The five Serbs have been locked up by the authorities in Pristina for alleged war crimes.
