Zip-lining girl hits 1-year-old boy, leaves him in critical condition: Details of terrible Novi Pazar accident

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

A medical team arrived very quickly and administered first aid to the toddler before he was rushed to the hospital

Illustration: Milena Djordjevic, Pixabay

A one-year-old boy is in a coma after a terrible accident that happened in an amusement park in Novi Pazar. As Sandzak Danas writes, after this incident, citizens gathered in front of the hospital to support the family of the injured child.

According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred when a girl was going down the zip line that passes over a pedestrian path, where the boy and his aunt were at that moment of the collision. The accident caused a shock among those present, who immediately called an ambulance.

A medical team arrived very quickly and administered first aid to the toddler before he was rushed to the hospital. Doctors at the Novi Pazar General Hospital are fighting to save the child's life, and his condition is currently critical.

The police also arrived at the scene and started an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the accident. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities appeal to all visitors to the amusement park to be careful and follow all safety protocols in order to avoid such accidents in the future.

People in Novi Pazar expressed great concern and sadness over the accident. Many gathered in front of the hospital to support the family of the injured child. Numerous calls to pray for the little boy and appeals for increased security in amusement parks appeared on social networks.

This tragic event reminds us of the importance of strict control and maintenance of safety standards in all public spaces, especially those intended for children.
