Scholz: "This decision required courage, but it was made at the right time"

D. R.
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He stressed that it brings a perspective of development, respecting two principles

Photo: Tanjug/Marko Djokovic/nr

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a statement to the media after the signing of the Memorandum on Critical Raw Materials in Belgrade on Friday.

"I am glad that the decision was made, I admit that this decision requires courage, but it was made at the right time. We are taking an important step, by mining lithium here in Serbia, we are increasing resiliency and in this way we can achieve climate goals. That's where e-mobility will play a big role and it will only work with lithium," said Scholz and pointed out that the Jadar project is above all good for Serbia.

He stressed that it brings a perspective of development, respecting two principles.

"To respect the highest standards when it comes to environmental protection, and we will make our contribution to that. At the same time, it will create prosperity, new jobs...," added Scholz.

(Telegraf Biznis)