Dacic: Serbia protects its own, but also EU borders

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

He stressed that the EU is one of the most important donors to the MUP and mentioned today's donation, which consists of 56 vehicles, and surveillance equipment

Photo: Tanjug/Marko Djokovic/bs

Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said that, thanks to an agreement signed today, FRONTEX forces will be deployed not only on the borders with Bulgaria and Hungary, as part of Operation Serbia Land, but also on the borders with third countries, and that Serbia protects its own, but also the borders of the European Union.

After signing the agreement with EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson between Serbia and the European Union regarding operational activities carried out by the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) in our country, Dacic told journalists in front of the Palace of Serbia that this is the second agreement with FRONTEX.

"This will significantly contribute to our joint fight against cross-border crime and irregular migration. With joint forces, we strengthen the path to preserving public order and peace in our territory, but with it we will also protect Europe's borders," said Dacic.

He added that the agreement will contribute to efficient exchange of information with EU countries and FRONTEX.

"Serbia is protecting its own borders, but with that, also the security and stability of the whole of Europe. That's why we need a common response and support. Each additional police officer from the EU, who joins our border police on the ground, will help our police comprehensively respond to the challenges of combatting irregular migration, reducing the number of illegal crossings of the state border as migrants attempt to reach their final destination, which is the EU," said Dacic.

He stressed that the EU is one of the most important donors to the MUP (Serbian Interior Ministry) and that today's donation, which consists of 56 vehicles and surveillance equipment, is only one in a series received by the police and used in all segments of their work, not only by the border the police.
