Aleksandar Sapic once again elected as mayor of Belgrade

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

Nikodijevic also said that Sapic initiated a new social welfare policy in the city of Belgrade

President of the Belgrade City Assembly Nikola Nikodijevic earlier today proposed Aleksandar Sapic for the new mayor of Belgrade, on behalf of the "Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade Tomorrow" electoral list.

During a session of the City Assembly, Nikodijevic said that what recommends the Sapic for the position, in addition to him, in the past, being one of the greatest Serbian water polo players of all time, is also his political activity and experience.

"Mr. Sapic has been the president of the municipality of New Belgrade for three terms in a row, in 2012, 2016 and 2020, before he became the mayor of Belgrade in the previous term. He was first on the list of our joint coalition 'Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade Tomorrow', which received the most votes from Belgraders. We were never hiding who our candidate would be," Nikodijevic said.

According to Nikodijevic, another thing that recommends Sapic is a large number of projects that have been launched in Belgrade.

"We have embarked on some of the biggest infrastructure projects that have been waiting for implementation in the Belgrade for decades. From the completion of the bypass, the construction of the Belgrade Metro, the construction of two tunnels under Belgrade, the Danube, the Sava terrace and the tunnel from Most over Ada to Autokomanda. The completion of the interceptor, the construction of a factory for processing waste water in Veliko Selo," said Nikodijevic.

He added that the railway system in Belgrade will be completed by connecting all Belgrade municipalities to the Belgrade Metro, so people from Lazarevac, Rakovica, Vozdovac, and Sopot will be able to use Beovoz to reach the city center in 10, 15, 20 minutes.

Nikodijevic also said that Sapic initiated a new social welfare policy in the city of Belgrade.

The Belgrade City Assembly session has in the meantime been finished and Sapic is now officially once again the mayor of Belgrade.
