Vucevic: When you see double standards towards your country, then you react more emotionally

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

"I defended Serbia in a responsible way, maybe I sounded harsher," said Vucevic

Photo: Tanjug/Serbian Government/Slobodan Miljevic

I may have sounded harsher, but when you see that there are double standards towards your country, you react more emotionally, Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic said last evening, answering questions from journalists in Athens.

Previously, taking part in the panel in an international conference called, "Peace and Sustainable Development," he said he does not like to see double standards that exist, both in terms of cooperation with Beijing or in the case of calling for respecting territorial integrity, which, as he reminded the participants, turns out to be important in the case of Ukraine, but not when it comes to Serbia.

"I defended Serbia in a responsible way, maybe I sounded harsher, but when you see that there are double standards towards your country, you react a little more emotionally," Vucevic told reporters, who noticed the stronger reaction from the prime minister.

Vucevic said that it is good for Serbia to participate in such conferences and to present its arguments.

"Imagine that all this is being talked about without Serbia. I think it is good that one of us is always there and can present our arguments and facts. But we are really ready to cooperate with everyone in the Balkans. We wish every success to North Macedonia and Albania as well, Montenegro, BiH. We have a common European destiny because Europe cannot be complete without the countries of the Western Balkans," said Vucevic.

The prime minister pointed out that Serbia's membership in the EU is a national interest.

"But allow us to have a period of harmonization with EU's foreign policy, which is what Serbia is usually criticized for," Vucevic said.

He added that EU's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak, with whom he spoke last night, is optimistic about EU integration and that the new European Commission will come out with complete proposals.

"But I am not sure that it will include all the actors. Now, who is more ready and in a better political and geopolitical situation, we'll see...," said Vucevic.
