"Sidewalk Tetris" - when you think there's no space, there's some! A Belgrader's "keep it rude" parking style

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
You can always park across, and whether the path will in that case be usable to others - that's apparently not your problem
Photo collage: Shutterstock
Belgraders seem to be world champions in playing "parking Tetris."
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Look at how one of our fellow citizens nonchalantly and recklessly managed to park their car in Uciteljice Milice Jankovic Street in the Mirijevo neighborhood.
If they could't do it straight, it doesn't matter, they can always go across, and whether the path will in that case be usable to others - that's not their problem.
The most important thing is that the driver managed to find "a parking spot."