Another earthquake hits Montenegro

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.
According to EMSC, the epicenter was 7 kilometers from Pluzine
Printscreen: Twitter/@LastQuake
Another earthquake, this time a 3.2 magnitude one, hit Montenegro today, EMSC reports.
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The earthquake was recorded at 12:48 local time at a depth of 9 kilometers.
According to EMSC, the epicenter of the earthquake was 7 kilometers from Pluzine.
A post on X said that it happened 24 kilometers from Gacko, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
An M5.7 earthquake occurred in Montenegro at 04:06 this morning.
The Institute for Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro said the epicenter was 5 kilometers from the village of Caradje in the municipality of Niksic, at a depth of 14 kilometers.