Dacic: Opposition representatives looking for alibi for certain defeat in elections in advance

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Dacic assessed that the opposition does not want elections, but wants someone from the outside to bring them to power and "reestablish crisis headquarters"

Printscreen: TV Pink

Leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Ivica Dacic, said today that representatives of the opposition are coming up with new nonsensical demands for local elections every day, which is their way of looking for an alibi in advance, for the certain defeat in those elections.

"Now they don't even like the date (June 2), which by the way is the last possible, according to the law, for the elections to be held again (for the city of) Belgrade. First they demanded elections immediately, and now, 'never, at any cost'. And of course, with the main and essential demand that 'Aleksandar Vucic cannot be named as head of the (SNS) list', which shows all the hypocrisy, because all their leaders and (former presidents) Kostunica and Tadic have always headed their electoral lists (in local elections)," Dacic told Tanjug.

Dacic assessed that the opposition does not want elections, but wants someone from the outside to bring them to power and "reestablish crisis headquarters."

"That will never happen again. Serbia is a freedom-loving country, which leads an independent policy, exclusively in the interest of the Serbian people and all citizens of Serbia. The opposition will never understand that and that is why they always lose elections," said Dacic.

Earlier today, representatives of the "Serbia Against Violence" list presented a document with demands, among other things, that the holders of electoral lists cannot be persons who are not candidates on those lists, as well as that the date of the Belgrade elections should coincide with the date of other local elections in Serbia.
