Double tragedy narrowly avoided on Serbian roads: Unhinged overtaking that almost caused terrible accident

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The driver of a blue Citroen almost collided with two vehicles while overtaking other cars

Photo: Instagram/

Over the past year, we have witnessed serious traffic accidents that were preceded by wrong way driving, as well as reckless overtaking.

A few days ago, a tragedy was avoided by sheer luck on the Ibar highway, when a car driver almost collided head-on with a tow truck.

Namely, the incident happened on the section of the road between Vreoci and Lazarevac, and as can be seen in a video published on the Instagram page, the driver of a blue Citroen was overtaking cars in front of him.

In doing that, he first almost collided with an oncoming Renault, and then narrowly avoided crashing head-on into a tow truck. The video shows both the other drivers swerving to the side to avoid tragedy.

Last April there was a serious traffic accident  when Dejan J. died on the Milos Veliki highway because he was driving in the wrong direction.
