Great success of Vucic and Serbia at UN Security Council

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The Serb Republic (RS) president stressed that at this moment trusting the Americans and the British is bad business

Photo: Tanjug/STR/bg

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic achieved great success by going before the UN Security Council and getting the opportunity to present Serbia's position regarding Kosovo and Metohija, RS President Milorad Dodik said today.

He pointed out that Serbia's positions are more concrete and clearer than ever before.

"We saw Albin Kurti trying to camouflage things as some universal values, such as human rights, which nobody is taking seriously in the last few years. His platitudes failed, because it is clear to everyone that he is committing violence against the Serbs in order to expel them from Kosovo and Metohija, and the world must understand that and do something about it," said Dodik.

He stressed that it is expected that the violence against the Serbs will stop, and that Serbia must take care of peace and stability and what it has chosen, which is that Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.

"We in the Serb Republic, too, believe that the positions expressed by Serbia in its strategies and programs speak to the fact that in extreme circumstances where our people are threatened anywhere, Serbia is ready to engage, and we saw that in the speech and the determined stance of Vucic," Dodik told journalists in Banja Luka, RTRS reported.

The Serb Republic (RS) president stressed that at this moment trusting the Americans and the British is bad business.
