Brnabic: UN Security Council meeting was historic, truth about Kosovo and Metohija was heard

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

According to her, Vucic showed what Kurti did, from banning (Serbian) license plates, confiscating (Serb) property, endangering the Serbian Orthodox Church, to the presence of armed formations, attacks on Serbs and impunity for the attackers

Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has pointed out that the UN Security Council session dedicated to Kosovo and Metohija was historic, and that the global public for the first time had the opportunity to hear the arguments that what Albin Kurti is doing is a crime against humanity.

Brnabic noted that the stance of Switzerland was surprising, but also that "fair tones" could be heard from the US, reports RTS.

Prime Minister Brnabic said that President Aleksandar Vucic wisely started the debate at the UNSC session by bringing up the banning of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, because that evidence is vitally important for the Serb community and represents the last in a series of systematic, planned, deliberate moves by Kurti and Pristina aimed at creating unbearable living conditions and cause irreparable damage to the Serb people, which by definition is a crime against humanity, the crime of persecution.

According to her, Vucic showed what Kurti did, from banning license plates, confiscating property, endangering the Serbian Orthodox Church, to the presence of armed formations, attacks on Serbs and impunity for the attackers.

"In his closing words, Vucic said that according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, the only territorial integrity that was violated is the territorial integrity of Serbia. He focused on the International Criminal Court, and opened another topic, which we must talk about. It was clearly shown that what Kurti is doing represents a crime against humanity and that is what's new," the prime minister pointed out.

She noted that President Vucic was waiting for the right moment to request a session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo and Metohija and that he did not ask for it lightly, but rather waited until he could show that the conditions for living in Kosovo and Metohija are intolerable.

She added that if the session had been requested at some previous moment, we would not have made such a strong impression, which, she said, showed Vucic's leadership.

"The UN Security Council session was scheduled less than 13 hours after it was requested, and that shows how important this is and it comes at the right time. No one was against it, the only discussion was whether it would be closed or open to the public," said Brnabic.

The prime minister commented on the stances of the states represented at the session, saying that "fair tones" could be heard from the US, and that between 7 and 9 of the 15 countries expressed a critical attitude towards Pristina's moves.

Prime Minister Brnabic pointed out that it was interesting that Aleksandar Vucic mentioned only in a reply that Belgrade had hired the British company Henderson to transport cash to Kosovo, which was his key argument when Kurti claimed that the Serbs were "smuggling money in."
