Vucic on reintroduction of mandatory military service: "I'll see all proposals by this date"

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

He also explained the conditions for taking the proposal to the Serbian National Assembly

Photo: Tanjug/MO VS

President Aleksandar Vucic, while touring the Topcider Serbian Army barracks in Belgrade today, spoke about the idea of reintroducing mandatory military service.

"The General Staff and the minister of defense presented a convincing argument for mandatory military service to be reinstated, but many financial, logistical and other conditions must be fulfilled. They should submit all proposals to me by May 1," said the president.

He added that after this date, he will sit down with the military cabinet, the General Staf and the Government of Serbia, and if there is a positive decision, the proposal will go before the Serbian Assembly.
