"Two countries push for it hard": Vucic on possibility of Ohrid Agreement becoming condition for joining EU

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

However, Vucic pointed out that he has clearly stated what he could not accept

Photo: Tanjug/Vladimir Sporcic

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic says that there is a possibility that the Ohrid Agreement will become part of the negotiating chapter 35, and thus a condition for Serbia's admission to the European Union.

However, Vucic pointed out that he has clearly stated what he could not accept.

"First, let's see what will happen, because they cannot ignore something they have discussed with me. After each of their visits, after Ohrid itself, I came out and clearly stated what we accept and what we cannot accept, because even my verbal explicit statement is the state's position and cannot be overlooked," Vucic told the weekly NIN.

He stressed that he also told Serbian National Assembly deputies that Kosovo's admission to the United Nations is out of the question, stating that he informed "the French, Germans, Italians, all Europeans" about it, too.

"Everyone knows everything," emphasized the president of Serbia.

Vucic added that there are two countries who are "strongly pushing" for the Ohrid Agreement to become part of the (EU accession) negotiation process.

"It's not for me to say now which two countries are pushing for it hard, I'm not sure if others want the same, so we'll see," said Vucic.
