"Elevator suddenly broke and fell, my son is seriously injured": Milan on Belgrade construction site accident

Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The elevator came loose as father and son, working together, were dismantling it

Collage: Shutterstock, Marko Jovanovic

Father and son, Milan and Vladislav Bondzic, could have died when an elevator they were dismantling broke in a building in Vozdovac, Belgrade on Friday.

Fortunately, they escaped with injuries and no lives were lost.

"We were dismantling the elevator and at one point it came loose and fell. Vladislav was on the platform, and I was behind, so he was injured more severely than me and is in the Clinical Center," Milan tells Telegraf.rs.

He explains that he himself is quite bruised, and that he is waiting for information about his son.

"His life is not in danger, today we should receive information about his condition and further medical procedures. Vlada (Vladislav) is still under medical observation, as far as I understand, his cheekbone is fractured," he adds.
