Albanian who shot and wounded 11 and 21-year-old Serbs released, pending outcome of proceedings

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We have learned that even dismissing the indictment is under consideration

The victims; Printscreen: Youtube/Kosovo Online

Azem Kurtaj, a member of the police of so-called Kosovo, who shot and wounded Serbs Stefan and Milos from Gotovusa, has been released pending the outcome of court proceedings, has learned.

The decision was made by a court in Urosevac.

His case, that is, the indictment, is currently in the Court of Appeal, where even dismissing that indictment is being considered.

Two Serbs, cousins Stefan Stojanovic (11) and Milos Stojanovic (21), were wounded on January 6 (Serbian Orthodox Christmas Eve) in Gotovusa near Strpce when, unprovoked, a local Albanian shot at them from a moving vehicle, the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced at the time.

According to reports, at the time of the attack, the boy and the youth were walking by the side of the road, carrying a badnjak (an oak branch, part of Serb Christmas traditions), when the attacker opened fire at them.

"They received gunshot wounds, one boy was shot in the hand and the other in the shoulder, and it was only by sheer luck that their wounds are not life threatening. At this moment, they are being transported to the Clinical Hospital Center in Gracanica, where they will receive the best possible care. It is an obvious attempt to murder innocent Serb youths who were 'bothersome' only because they were carrying a badnjak, which clearly showed that they are Serbs," a statement from the Office said at the time.
