Vucevic: Serbian Army is much stronger, they offered us Bayraktars, too - but we will get something better

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Five Bayraktar unmanned aerial vehicles arrived to the units of so-called Kosovo, and the Serbian minister of defense says that this is a donation from Turkey

Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said this morning on TV Pink that Turkey delivered serious systems to so-called Kosovo, but that the Serbian Army is far stronger than what they call "Kosovo units." Vucevic explained that security risks are now greater, and that this changes the balance of power on the ground.

As the minister explained, today's meeting between Vucic and Stoltenberg is an opportunity to hear the Serbian point of view.

"NATO is an important factor that is crucial in terms of security for all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija. President Vucic requested and scheduled a meeting with Stoltenberg, with whom the president has had 14 meetings so far. It is an opportunity to hear the Serbian point of view. Kurti is not giving up, he is only finding new technologies and methodologies to be more successful. It's in our national interest to have the best possible relations with NATO, we are a neutral country. It's a good opportunity to express our concern about the arming of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. KFOR must not allow the escalation we saw weeks ago. Kurti's visit to the British parliament and the lobbyists for independence of Kosovo shows plenty, then you can see how complex the situation is for Serbia.

Serbia made a decision to assess the scheduling of the UN Security Council, whether we have the support for it in order to return the field to talks as much as possible. We have to talk to everyone, including those who don't think like us. When Kurti is 100 percent guilty, they call for restraint from both sides. What should we do? Should we all surrender, should we all shoot each other? It all sounds to me like 1995, that's what they told us about Knin and Bosnia, from Dayton (agreement) until now," said Vucevic.

Vucevic added that Kurti's policemen should not be on the streets of northern municipalities at all.

"They should not be there, without the approval of Serb mayors, of which there are none at the moment. (25% withdrawal of police) sounds like a 25 percent reduction of a 100 percent crime. And what about the 75 percent, they are staying, to fight crime? Their base was established based on violence and lawlessness. They inherently hold such views as normal. It is a terribly difficult situation for Serbia, but it is not a call to surrender, but an understanding of the position and finding a methodology to protect the people's interests. Well, that's politics. And the fact that someone would expect Aleksandar Vucic to show all our cards is not what serious states do. It's political brinksmanship. Anyone who doesn't understand that doesn't understand politics. Their idea is to create Greater Albania," the minister stated.

They offered us Bayraktars, president declined

Five Bayraktar unmanned aerial vehicles arrived for the units of so-called Kosovo, and the Serbian minister of defense says that this is a donation from Turkey.

"Turkey supplied them with serious systems. The Serbian Army is far stronger than what they call Kosovo units, that's not some trash heroism talk, but an actual analysis. There are greater security risks now. They still get a certain armaments and all this changes the balance of power on the ground. They are also preparing to work on strengthening their future army. Their officers go to NATO countries for training. One department was invited to be part of the United Kingdom mission to the Falkland Islands.

Partnerships are constantly being created with them. To you, it is like a weak man in a tavern who has ten of the strongest people behind him and then provokes and provokes the peaceful guests. We spoke with the Turkish ambassador, it is in the state's interest to have the best possible relations with Turkey, it is a strong player. It is a geopolitical player. Its influence in the Balkans must not be ignored.

Just listen to how Erdogan talks about commemorating the anniversary of Srebrenica. That's more dangerous than these technologies. Until now, the security forces of Kosovo could not fly a kite on a string, and now they have some unmanned aerial vehicles. They deployed the reserve forces in a contingent plus 700 soldiers and officers. They are currently the most numerous contingent. They offered us Bayraktars, too, the (Serbian) president declined. We will take something else, something better. They (Pristina) don't have money to buy them, it's a donation. All Albanian political parties have the same goal, it's just a matter of implementing or reaching that goal. And that is for Kosovo to be completely independent and to go for unification with Albania. Kurti is transparent, he's a radical," adds the minister.

Vucevic stressed that one of the reasons for banning the export of Serbian weapons was introduced due to security risks and priority supply needed by the Serbian Army.

"At the meeting with the president, we agreed that he should initiate, and the Government adopt, a 30-day moratorium on exports and that units of the Serbian Army should be supplied as a priority. That's where the Ministry of Defense got a big function. We have prepared our response," said Vucevic.

Right to own opinion is not allowed to small countries

(US) Sanctions against Aleksandar Vulin are politically based, not because of narcotics and weapons, but I would say that the roads lead to Vulin's relationship with Moscow, said Vucevic.

"The Americans announced that 16 persons from Bosnia and the region are being checked to see if they will be subject to US sanctions, so they were preparing a new package of sanctions. This is a problem for Serbia, it is a message to the president and to Serbia. Now we have the opportunity to see what democracy truly is, whether you have the right to your opinion, human rights and freedoms. We come to the field where someone says something, if the third party doesn't like it, the eraser is taken out and you are immediately deleted, you no longer exist. We live in such a time where they fight mercilessly and the right to have their own opinion is not allowed to small countries."

Judas always existed, they sold out their souls

The minister also commented on the domestic media report that Albin Kurti is creating a party in Belgrade along with some Serbian politicians.

"Kurti has a couple of those Serbs, by name and last name, but they are sold out souls. There have always been the Judas, from the biblical times until today. I am more concerned when someone from Belgrade says that there are (Serb) criminals in Kosovo and Metohija. These want to destroy the state from within, and the others wanted to ethnically cleanse Kosovo and Metohija. Now they will say that Vucic is to blame for that," the minister said.
